ClientNgati Whatua Orakei Whai Rawa Limited
ArchitectsStevens Lawson Architects Limited
A 30 house medium density village located on ancestral land owned by Ngati Whatua Orakei (NWO). The project is unique as it represents the first medium density papakainga development in NZ. The development benefits from a multifaceted planning process undertaken over ten years including masterplanning for the Orakei Papakainga land, preparation of design guidelines through a collaborative process, development of a zoning framework included in the notified Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan, and use of the Housing Accords and Special Housing Areas (HASHA) legislation.

David Badham
021 203 1034
Level 1, 136 Bank Street, Whangārei 0112

Alisa Neal
027 726 4333
Level 2, 6/68 Woodcocks Road, Warkworth 0910

09 375 0900
PO Box 1986, Shortland Street, Auckland 1140
Level 4, Old South British Building, 3-13 Shortland Street, Auckland

Hannah Hoogeveen
027 556 6991
Level 1, 76 Grey Street, Tauranga 3110

Matt Norwell
029 850 2780
Level 1, Joll Commons, 17 Joll Road, Havelock North 4130

Janice Carter
021 032 9746
PO Box 1749, Christchurch 8140
Level 3, 61 Cambridge Terrace, Christchurch Central City, Christchurch 8013