Kelly Parekowhai

E ngā iwi, e ngā waka, e ngā hau e whā, tēnā koutou. He uri au nō Maungahaumi, hoea te waka o Horouta, riporipo rere ana te wai o Waipaoa. He uri au nō Te Aitanga-a-Māhaki. Ko Kelly Te Hikurangi tēnei.

Kelly Parekowhai (Te Aitanga-a-Māhaki, Ngāti Whakarongo) is our Technical Lead – Te Ao Māori. He completed a Bachelor of Planning with Honours at the University of Auckland in 2013. Kelly spent seven years in Pōneke working in planning and policy leadership roles across government, consulting, and iwi. In 2020, he returned to Tāmaki Makaurau to take an executive role leading Māori Outcomes across Auckland Council’s Regulatory Services Directorate. Kelly is a full member of the New Zealand Planning Institute and a certified engagement practitioner by the International Association for Public Participation.

M027 251 8693

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