New Plymouth District Plan Review / New Plymouth

Scenic photo of Taranaki landscape, showcasing the natural beauty and environment. New Plymouth District Plan Review, a crucial aspect of urban planning for this region.
ClientPort Taranaki Limited
SectorPolicy Planning

B&A provided advice to Port Taranaki with respect to the review of the New Plymouth District Plan. B&A worked early in the process with Port Taranaki and the New Plymouth District Council planners on a Port Zone and ‘precinct plan’ for Port Taranaki, made submissions on behalf of Port Taranaki when the Proposed Plan was notified, and tabled or presented evidence the hearings on topics including Strategic Directions, Lighting, Natural Features and Landscapes, Hazardous Substances and Energy, Natural Hazards, Coastal Environment, Sites of Significance to Māori, Views, Transport and Utilities, Port Zone and Rezoning requests.

Of significance for Port Taranaki at the hearings were issues relating to port activities in the coastal environment, heights of port buildings and their effect on sites of significance to Māori, and the submission requesting the rezoning of land within the port for apartment development.



David Badham
021 203 1034

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